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& Art therapy


"We have two conflicting needs: Attachment and Authenticity. As children, when authenticity threatened attachment, we suppressed our true selves in order to survive. However as we grow, there is something inside of us that wants us to be authentic more than it wants us to survive."

- Dr. Gabor Mate



What does a typical Session look like?


Depending what is alive within you, a counselling session may have an integration of expressive arts therapy, somatic therapy, hakomi method, relational therapy and inner parts-work. All of our unclaimed parts have medicine to share with us. You can learn to understand, integrate and befriend the many parts of yourself. Allowing you to participate in your life from a place of full embodiment and resourcefulness.


For somatic-based sessions, biodynamic craniosacral therapy can be incorporated into a clinical counselling session to assist with nervous system healing, embodied awareness, chronic pain conditions and emotional and physical stress. 


Below is a description of how a typical session might unfold, however, every session is unique. Magic often arrives in the space of not-knowing, so it's important to open a door to the unknown and acknowledge the mystery that is always present in this work. 



🌱 Arrival

Showing up exactly as you are, I'll begin by inviting you to share what is alive for you.

It takes great courage and vulnerability to share the complexities of our lives. I am here to witness and honour your unique experience. Everything you share is confidential. 


🌱  Somatic Therapy

I will support you to slow down and turn toward your body with kindness, compassion and curiosity. I'll invite you to notice what is present and alive in your somatic and embodied felt sense. 


🌱 Embodied Art Explorations

Art choices are based on your interest, excitement or curiosity. We will not force anything, but allow the process to unfold. We will work with the arts in a low skill and high sensitivity way - allowing any judgements or expectations to fall away and staying present to the act of art making. 


🌱  Harvesting

Strength-based and Resource-based. 

During the process of art-making, an artistic work will arrive to us, whether it is an image, poem, song or dance. We may not understand the significance of it. We let go of any ideas about this work and instead view it from its point of view - from its Soma - It's Body. By staying with our perceptual and sense experience, the creative work can be known. We will take time to reflect on this work and explore questions intended to help you deepen the experience and draw connections back to your life.



What ART modalities do you use in a session?


An arts-based expressive arts therapy session might explore movement, dance, painting, drawing, poetry, clay or nature explorations. With each new modality that we introduce into the healing space, new senses are ignited and possibilities for play and imagination are created. In an arts- and somatic- based counselling session we will be attuning to your somatic body and following your energy and vitality, moving towards different art forms that call to you. ​You do not need to have any previous experience with art. In many cases, cultivating a beginners mind helps the artistic process to unfold naturally.



Can I claim sessions under my health benefits?


Yes, sessions are covered by most extended health plans under RCC Counselling Benefits. Please check your plan to confirm. I will write you a receipt to submit to your provider. 








Ritual | PLAY | Nature-based

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